How to: Pineapple Tea

The remnants from breaking down a pineapple make for a great beverage. Lighter in flavor and calories than pineapple juice, this tea is still full of vitamins, minerals, and bromelain, a natural anti-inflammatory. Like some other herbs, including turmeric, it can be a good dietary addition for anyone who suffers from arthritis, irritable bowel, or cramps.


  • One pineapple

  • Roughly a half-gallon of water


  1. Twist off the leaves and wash the pineapple thoroughly to remove dirt and chemicals. I suggest using a vegetable brush.

  2. Slice off the top and bottom and quarter them. Rough chopping the pieces help them fit better in the cookpot.

  3. Cut the fruit away from the core and store. Chunk up the core and add it to cookpot.

  4. Fill with water. The pinepple scraps fill 1/3 of my cookpot. I add water to within 2 inches of the top. The higher the water to pineapple ratio, the weaker the tea will be.

  5. Cover and bring to a boil. Boil for 15-20 minutes. This is called decocting, or extracting essence through boiling.

  6. Remove pineapple chunks with a slotted spoon and discard.

  7. Put a wire strainer in the mouth of your storage container (a half-gallon Ball jar in this case), pour the juice through, and discard the debris.

  8. Chill and enjoy!

Amanda King

Amanda has worked for nearly thirty years in website development content writing, graphic design, and project management. She has worked for non-profits as well as for-profit organizations, and companies with as few as five employees all the way up to corporate giants. Amanda understands how to suss out a client’s needs, their users’ needs, and develop and execute an effective plan for achieving those goals.

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