How To: Removing Wax from a Candle Holder

In our blog on using boiling water to remove wax from candle holders, I mentioned the option of freezing the waxy holder then knocking the wax out/off. After melting a particularly drippy beeswax candle using on one of Two Moons Craftworks' new maple spell candle holders, I decided to test this tactic myself.
I put the holder, wax and all, in the freezer for a full day. When I removed it, any big chunks on the exterior fell off easily, but smaller pieces and drips had to be chipped off with my fingernail, some leaving a residue that had to be removed with isopropyl alcohol.
The wax melted inside the holder, however, was totally uncooperative. Though it was frozen solid, it still wasn't going anywhere. After a few minutes of poking with my trusty icepick, it broke up and fell out, leaving residue in the candle cup and a lot of scrapes and gouges
Next, I tried the same with a soy wax spell candle that also made a mess when it melted onto the holder (same one). This time, when I froze holder, the wax flicked off easily. (Soy wax also washes off with soap and water—it’s much easier to work with.)
So, freezing works-ish.
Since I have easy access to lemon oil and butcher block conditioner, next time I need to clean off beeswax, I'll use boiling water followed immediately by drying and a light coat of oil/conditioner to close the grain and protect the wood. I felt like I did more damage to the wood by scraping and poking with the icepick than I could ever do with a few seconds of hot water. However, with soy wax, freezing is definitely the simplest method. Either way—freezing or boiling water—is better for the holder than scratching and jabbing at it with a sharp implement.