How It’s Going: Planting Peas & Carrots

A lot of our raised beds are being rebuilt this year, so I'm holding off on planting things I would have already direct-sown most years, such as beets and spinach. The main garden, however, needs no rebuild, so yesterday I planted a row of mixed peas and carrots. In two to three weeks, I'll plant a similar row further back in the garden to stagger harvest.
Among others like beans and lettuce, peas and carrots are easy to plant—provided the garden is already cleaned and ready to seed. Last year, I planted carrots and beans together, so i'm switching up to peas this year.
Quick and easy planting:
Prep your soil and plan your garden layout.
Dig a shallow trench where you want your row of veggies.
Drop in a pea every two inches-ish, roughly one inch deep.
Go back over the row and sprinkle two to five carrot seeds in the space between peas. (Later, we'll come back and thin so there is only one carrot between each pea plant.)
Cover with dirt and pat down.